Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Awesome Commercials

Ok, this has nothing to do with anything - but I just saw one of these and I felt the compulsion to blog about it.


These are not the three funniest commercials ever, or the three coolest looking commercials ever, these are, in my opinion, the three most conceptually genius, perfectly targeted commercials.

3. TIE (Coincidentally the same general product) - Deoderant commercials
Those new commercials where the guys lift up their arms and sweat literally just sprays out in every direction. Also, this newer one I only saw once where the people are walking around with a bubble around them and they won't go closer to people than their bubble. These are both ways I feel when my deodorant just isn't cutting it. And the sweat spray one is disgusting, but effective.

2. Nicorette Gum - Shark Arm
The one with the guy sitting on the pier, and a shark jumps up and bites his arm, and all he's thinking is "cigarette. cigarette. cigarette. cigarette. cigarette." and then he takes a nicorette gum piece and calms down, then notices the shark, and is all like "SHARK! SHARK! SHARK!" I don't smoke, but after watching this commercial I understand exactly what a nicotine addiction feels like.

1. Claritin - Claritin Clear
These commercials are the inspiration for this entire category/blog. I mean seriously, viewing life through that annoying haze. Nothing is easy to focus on, and you don't even want to open your eyes. Do you have allergies? Because during your commercial you do. And they're serious. This is EXACTLY what I feel like when my frickin' nerd-curse seasonal allergies crop up. Then the screen is lifted and... GET ME CLARITIN NOW!

Unfortunately, I couldn't find videos for two of these commercials. Weird, because whenever I don't want to see commercials I have to, and I would think that they'd want youtube to be absolutely swimming with pirated copies of them. Oh well, whatever. You probably know the ones I'm talking about.


  1. well you know what commercial sucks/doesn't make any sense? the burgerking commercial where they show the king (of burgerking) breaking into a high-security type complex, and using his super secret spy skills to steal a certain file/paper thing. when the king removes his spy attire, it is revealed that this secret he has stolen is none other than the dimensions of a sausage mcmuffin from mcdonalds. what the heck? i am the only one who thinks this commercial is ridiculous? first of all, why are you breaking into the mcdonald's secret recipe lair? isn't that just confessing that your recipes are worse than those of your main competitor- mcdonald's? also- you have to steal the ingredients to a three-part sandwich?! it's not like they put anything special on it, just eggs, cheese, and sausage. the unethical lengths to which this creepy-ass giant king with a plastic face will go to get this information is also cause for alarm. and, worst of all, your food still tastes like overcooked dog food on overexpired bread. fire your chefs and PR people and start over, burgerking. you give BKs everywhere a bad wrap.

  2. This is why we're friends, I agree completely
