Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Good Ol' Chat Roulette

Remember that time we were all obsessed with chat roulette? If you don't, read this and you will.

This conversation has been saved in my Stickies since whenever it happened last year. Maybe I cared about it a little too much.

Interestingly, I already tried to post this once. That attempt was not just a failure, but a fiasco. I made this effort right after I joined the required blog for one of my classes, which happens to use this same exact blog website. And guess what. After I posted this funny little chat with that Brazilian dude, I was feeling all self-satisfied...until I went to see how my post turned out and the page for my FA 140 class popped up. Under an introduction from the teacher, and then my name, sat this little piece of incriminating, racist, grammatically incorrect blasphemy. This was extremely scary. Especially after meeting that teacher, I realized that posting this on her formal blog would have been waaay not cool with her. So scary. Fortunately I figured out how to get that the heck off of there. For a split minutes, though it did look very nice.

Here you are:

While we are chatting...a japanese is studying

Stranger: i'm fat, i'm ..hummm..i have beard...but i have heart *_*
You: we really enjoy talking to you
Stranger: Why you cannot? You live in republics like movies?
Stranger: Kapa Delta Batman?
You: you are so much more interesting than other people on chatroulette
You: what?
You: kapa delta batman?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: the other wants to show their penis
Stranger: I don't

Stranger: on College movies, when a boy get in an university
Stranger: there are a group of stupid handsome boys...
Stranger: they have a fraternity
You: yes, they are called frat boys
You: yeah
Stranger: Yeeees
You: we have those at our school
Stranger: AUh UAUH u HAU huA
Stranger: it's nothing to do with republics?
You: but we dont live at the fraternity
You: no republics
Stranger: Ow my god...i'm acting like a monkey...
You: no you're not
Stranger: Ahhh.goood...i don't like fraternity...they make fun of us...fats, uglies and fats again
You: fraternities have houses
Stranger: UHA uUHAA
You: fraternity guys are stupid
Stranger: Yes...they look like Ken
You: they suck

Batata Zandoná (*Brazilian Kevin knows what this is!)


  1. 1. First to comment.

    2. I want to know who Batata Zandona is?

    3. I havnen't read the blog in like 2 months.

    4. This was really funny.

  2. 5. Fishman come back into all of our lives.
