Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Too bad I'm just trying to say that you can't go hating on AZNs as much as you do and then STILL insist that you are not super white... AND I LOVE WHITE PEOPLE (as much as any other race).
See 1. Justin Bieber 2. Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus 3. Joe Jonas 4. Nick Jonas 5. Edward Cullen...... So yeah, SCREW YOU. ASSHOLE. GEt out ma face.

I actually don't believe this & I think these guys are douchebags buuuuut this is hilarious:

P.S. No ones gona watch a 10 minute video, butthead.

Everyone besides Racist Will: How CUTE IS JUSTIN HERE?



  1. im very confused about what's happening to the bk4 blog

  2. Your utopian idea of a bk4 travel blog failed, Kevin... THIS IS WAR.

    You better thank God that you're on the right side.

    -white people.

  3. I'm with Kevin, this is getting really weird.
