Thursday, June 3, 2010

Welcome to Hartland, America's heartland

Hey everybody, I've been working on this post for awhile, maybe it'll be a nice distraction from the escalating race hate...

Now that I've finally figured out bluetooth photo transfer on my shiny new phone (also, uploading is a bitch, since we can only use weird wireless internet because there's no cable in the ground...), I'm ready to take you all on a tour of beautiful Hartland, WI!

First of all, I technically live in Merton, which is too small to have a post office. Merton has about 2000 people and a neat sign that I had a hard time photographing while driving... so ya, no sign for you. Anyway, here's "downtown," where you'll somehow find an antique shop, and a dedicated clock shop (no idea how either of those are still in business), the mill pond (nasty as hell - do not swim), a neat little park (yay!), a chicken feed depot (...), and some places to eat.

I just live about 5-10 minutes from downtown merton, these pictures will take you down the road to my house.

You'll notice lots of farms... To be fair there are a lot of houses and subdividsions as well on the other side of the road that I didn't photograph (because it's fun to exaggerate). But honestly, that last group of cows is technically in my neighborhood. Nothing like the smell of manure in the morning...

Anyway, if you want to mail anything to me, you'd send it to Hartland, which does have a post office and about 10,000 people. This is its downtown, which is slightly more impressive. It has my high school, places to eat, gas stations, and a bank, as well as countless empty businesses that rotate about once a year...

Sr. Thomas - our classy little mexican restaurant. Local Favorite
Piggly Wiggly, where I buy all my food
Awesome Coffee Shop

There are supposed to be pictures of my high school, but again, all of these pictures were taken while driving. This is a picture of it from google images, and if you'll look closely, you'll see that we're shaped like a giant number 1! (our rivals definitely noticed and gave us shit)... we're actually pretty embarrassing... we have a lot of people that live on golf courses/lakes (there are fricken golf courses and lakes everywhere around here) and they like to donate things (but never to academics, obviously) so we have an indoor ice rink, 12 tennis courts, and a turf football field with a "stadium" around it (not pictured, it's new this year). We have two campuses, one for juniors/seniors, one for frosh/sophs. Walking between them in winter is a bitch.

This is my house!

This is my backyard!
This is my front yard!This is called the outlot and it's part of a genius system my neighborhood has where everyone owns a half acre more than we live on, and it goes into making a giant bubble of land all the way around our neighborhood to make sure nobody ever builds houses or roads there where we don't want them. Yay!

It also includes this trail. That is my dog, her name is Xorx.

Speaking of pets, these are my cats:
The top one is Mrs. Littlesworth, the bottom one is Inky.

Well, that's a crappy job of taking out around my life, maybe someday I'll make a better one with real pictures of my school and teachers and stuff... but probably not. You'll just have to come visit like Tif:

We can go to the Dells too

Epic Go-Karts

Epic Water Parks
looping water slide!!!!

Or you can go to Potbellys (Sonal would love to come)

Or you could get a butterburger at culvers
Which puts In N' Out to shame, no question (though this is not actually the best pic...)


  1. Steve,
    You make Wisconsin look like my family's dream road trip... seriously, you have no idea. My dad loves grass/cows/sky... But DAMN, YOUR HOUSE/FRONT YARD/BACKYARD IS AMAZING. My jaw drooppppped. As much as it could without me dropping my toothbrush... SOOO MUCH GREEEEEEEN AND SKY it looks aamazing. and Mrs. Littlesworth IS GORGEOUS.
    Love you!

  2. This looks amazing! You guys have so much land and space, super jealous!!!!! And I love how your school is a giant 1, that's awesome!

  3. you make wisconsin look awesome! and you look SOOO skinny in that picture of you and tiff. i mourn the power orb.
    - malia

  4. Culvers is weak shit son. get that outta here. you know in n out be wayyyyy better than buttterburgers. but a better brand of beef makes a butterburger better? NAHHH that shit is like any other fast food burger friend. ain't shit.
