Thursday, April 29, 2010

More peoplemon cards

Glad everyone liked my first set of cards. I made some more, as promised. Here are the ones for people who specifically requested cards be made. This is exciting, it's like moving onto the Johto region after the first season and discovering a whole new set of pokemon!!! I have like seven more done, but here's the dealio. They take a long time to make so I'm gonna ration them. Every time somebody else makes a decent post (not just a link to a youtube video), I will post one peoplemon card (the card of person who posted, unless theirs is already up, then I'll pick a random person). Enjoy.


  1. 12 coins?! Good luck remembering the count there...

    Resistance: Zach is also a winner.

    And by somebody else, Steve, you mean besides you and me?

  2. naw, JJ, I'll put up a card when you post too

    also I'm concerned by your apparent inability to count to big numbers... like 12...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Anish's resistance is the best!!!!!!!!
