Sunday, April 4, 2010


If memory serves me right, and this weekend it apparently did not, this weekend is Easter Weekend. It did not occur to me why my Friday morning discussion was cancelled until I saw an Easter egg drawn on Jon's whiteboard last night.

Presumably, most of BK4 has gone on an Easter Egg Hunt of their own, leaving the floor eerily quiet and empty.

Alas, as I am overloaded with work--many of it that I do not wish to do--I am unable to join in the festivities away from the floor. But never fear! I, along with several others, are honorably defending our floor. Though it seems that I have been more unproductive than ever. I cannot bring myself to terms with the fact that I actually have to do these final assignments, no matter how hellish they may seem.

Also, I am sure many of you have noticed that there are six weeks left in the semester--and in our freshman year. I personally am mentally checked out already--my classes are uninspiring and the assignments just seem like busy work to me. This, I believe, is the senioritis that never hit me last year.

But what boggles my mind is that I have a final on the very last day, and then I have to be out the door that very same day. I could at least get a day to rest, but no, they must insist that I am out that day--and I do not wish to pay extra money to stay. Besides, most of you will probably have moved out by then, and I do not want to stay on an empty floor.

Now, BK4! When you are down on your luck, watch this clip to get a laugh, and be happy that you are not either of these contestants!

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