Monday, May 10, 2010


So I JUST FINISHED MY LAST FINAL EVER (until next semester).

Currently running on 2 hours of sleep becaaaause I was in bed last night and then decided that I really really wanted to write this and then I obviously had to get my ass out of bed and to my laptop at 130AM to type this so I wouldn't forget it.

Warning: This is long. Might be boring.
But I always do this for myself to either keep on my computer or print out and put in my diary to come back and read way later on... Soooo I just thought I'd share. Because.... like, why not?

1. Super awkward EVK dinner where we were all talking about what nationalities we were… then Will passing me in the hallway and saying “Vietnam” without even looking at me. As his first word to me ever. Then later asking Tiff "what flavor" she was.
2. Quin forcing me and Viv to stay up until 7AM with him to get breakfast at EVK when it opens… just to say we did it. Then him passing out in fetal position at 650AM and refusing to get up to go with Viv & I. Also, roaming the floors that same late night/morning and meowing at the mystery boy in the 7th floor shower and then dancing in an open room on 8th floor while whoever it was that lived there was sleeping… then running away when he woke up
3. Tiff & I asking Tom if he wanted to sit with us since he was all alone at Parkside sometime during week 1 or week 2 of school. Tom not knowing our names. Tom eating an apple for dessert. Tom leaving mysteriously.
4. Bonding with Tom over hot fries and Degrassi!

5. Camel and midget party where Anthony touched both the camel AND a midget… SUCCESS.

6. Interpretive dancing with Laila and Malia while Christina sneakily captured us on video.
Anthony. Hollenbeck. Christina.
8. Putting Josh loves orgasm all over his whiteboard and watching him get super offended every single time ☺ ☺ ☺
9. Super Sober Fun Friday: one of the best creations Will & I have ever came/probably will ever come up with.

10. Front flipping off my bike on the way to Parkside and covering myself in gnarly bruises and blood…. Thank you Quin Adney.
11. Watching Michelle learn to skateboard…
Damn gurl you can skateboard wellllll to
Parkside noooOWWW!
12. Waking up to Fishman and Viv in my room. And coming home to them. And going to bed knowing the connecting room… for 2 weeks. But really.

13. Then that one night when Viv and Fishman BOTH slept with me IN MY BED. Worst night of sleep this entire year, hands down. ☺
14. Playing Miley Cyrus – Party in the USA in
the elevator and dancing with or without random people already in the elevator when we get in… bouncin ma balls like yaaaaa, movin ma dick like yaaaaaaa. Malia I love you, we are so classy all the time.
15. Meowlia and Meowchael
16. “Sorry if I’m breathing really hard” – Will Hagle
17. CPK dinner in Westwood for my b
irthday! JT I think I fell in love with you after you drove us in your amazing car with the top down hitting 100+ on the freeway blasting Taylor Swift.

18. SO MANY PILLOW TALKS with my roommates. Most pillowy talky room for sure I might say?
19. Justin trying to make me wear his Star of David necklace.
20. Sporcle til 5AM in JT & Steve’s roooooom ☺

21. Canis Lupus.
22. Eating all dem calamaRIS at Maggianos with ma boy Anishypoooooo!!!
23. Driving around and getting away from everything with S0nAL.
24. DANCEi
25. BK4 sweatpants.

26. Study week #1. Staying up until 5AM with Laila, Will, Drew, and Quin playing our creeping/scaring game in the hallways…….. then screwing up my Spanish final at 8AM the next morning because of all the fun we had the night before.
28. SlEeeepover at my house with Tiff, Tar
a, Tom, Viv, & Michelle
29. The BK4 idol.

30. Josh and his crazy game shows!
31. BK4 dance video. Carlo you are amazing. And Steve, and everyone else in that.
32. Painting with Malia!

33. Is this a conspiracy?
35. Hot fries and Hot Munchies and Hot Cheetos with Alexxxxxxxx :)
36. First semester when we used to always bike to Yogurtland!!!! Tom, Li
ly, Laila, Sonal, Anthony
37. POPO Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and occasionally Fridays.
38. Floorby! Before he disappeared….. ☹ STEVE.
39. The Black Hole that is Room 423 with Hollenbeck, Regina, and Quin. Where days go to die. In Darkness. Leave for dinner at the Lab and return to the same spot for more hours on end.
40. That one night when we went out with Jon to that music party (Anthony) and then to that party that consisted of all 40 yr old Hispanic men given us shittay sangria. FLIP CUP.
41. Griffith Observatory!

42. Laila – That one time we were supposed to go to the gym but then somehow ended up going to GroundZero with Will to get milkshakes instead…
43. Keepin up with the good ole American Idol with Alex.
44. Museum of Latin American Art & then PV with our super ethnic group: Laila, Tara, Viv, Fishman. SUCH a good day…
45. “Soooooooooo” – Tom, Drew

46. Everyone starting to talk the same.
47. Jimmy Kimmel aka PEAK/BK4 Signs eRRywhurrrr.
48. BK4 quixotic quotations.
49. BK4 Scavenger Hunt

50. BK4 Secret Santa – Steve you are the best.
51. Grandpa Nollsch saying be righ
t back and returning to my room in 3 minutes and jumping up on my desk to slap a “I CAN HAZ TANDRABURGER?” caption on the huge picture of my adorable cat on my wall… ☺ BEST SURPRISE EVER, DREW.
52. Little Tokyo ramen + moch
i ice cream + Japanese snackssssss yummm
53. Quin taking us to Little Tokyo to get Yogurtland but deciding to not
wait for any buses near USC and instead taking us EAST through scary ass streets late at night… having a woman be prostituted an arms reach away from us.

54. HARD: BLOODY BEETROOTS/DEATH CREW 77 + STEVE AOKI + SIDNEY SAMSON… 2 words: Face Paint. 2 more words: MOSh. pIt. 1 word: AMAZING.

55. BRU$HING with "that guy" Will Hagle. And having all my floss stolen by Will & Drew & Hollenbeck who alllllll use 5x the amount of floss any normal human being needs.
56. Trying to fill in Brennan’s sentences for him.
57. Hallway and Study Bubble conversations that go on for houuuuurrsssss.
58. That one day DPS was impounding our bikes and we ALL sprinted down the stairs and outside to get our bikes and move them to the racks in front of leavey. Exhilarating.

59. A very merry fratty Halloween – HEEHEHEH CHRISTINA SINNER ;) baby gurrrrrrl.
60. I put my hand up on her toe, yo ho. Yo ho.
61. Photobooth with Laila in Will’s clothes.

62. Will deciding to copy every single food that I enjoy the most in that one revealing conversation with Hollenbeck at Burger King.
63. Drew Nollsch aka my pokemon soulmate. Blue, Yellow, and Gold versions 4evrR !!!!!!
64. Quin! Ben Oprstu, aka our future.
65. Drunk Drew and the curtain act. !!!!!!! ☺
66. Viv being like the first girl to ever talk to me here. Because I was listening to Radiohead. And She walked in. and then we bonded over Radiohead and Interpol.
67. Ab Ripper X courtesy of Philippe Haffner.
68. The first week of school lying by the inverted fountain nea
r the Norris Theatre with Sony and Tiffy and having our first real conversation.
69. That stretch of time where Anish had to always make his damn chimichangas in ma r00m. ☺ stankin ma room up and chattin while he microwaved and ate.
70. Tiff making me do abs with her at t
he gym and then being sore for an entire week the first week of school.
71. Sonal thinking Jesse McCartney was Jay Sean.
72. Honorary BK4 Members: Alex Wilson & Philippe Haffner.
73. All the super cute cat videos and pictures that everyone sends me all the time now… which makes me look like a crazy cat lady (which I most definitely am not)
74. The Tom, Kevin, George night. Th
at night.
75. Our first night going out as a whole group: Cre
w Party.

76. 423. Everyone's favorite triple and second room ;)

77. Raising my ugly ass Hispanic child with Hollenbeck.
78. Face paint for everything! Danceism! Hard! Frat parties!


I LOVE THAT BK4 is sometimes called a cult.

Haha yeah, alright -- I realize that this was long as hell and I won't fool myself into thinking that anyone actually READ the entire thing buttttttttttt yeah.

Oh and I also spent 2 hours putting these pictures on and like slowing dragging them down the entire post to put them where I want them before realizing (on the last 3 pictures) that you can copy and paste them where you want them!!!! WHYYYYYYYyaysdyawyiabolsnlkasmd. whateva. G01ngCr4zy.

It's been real.

L0ve y0u all
TANDRA /// BK407


  1. wait wtf you can just copy and paste the pictures????

    amazing post. loved it all. lots of smothered chuckles, because i dont want you to know that i'm reading this while you're in the same room as me. cause it's creepy as fuck.

    but i love you! wow damn shit lots of gooooooood memories here this would make an awesome diary entry tandrizzle.

    favorite memory: pillow talks and
    33. Is this a conspiracy?



    I love everyone on this floor, and this post reminded me how muchhhh

    BK44L. Its a real thing.

  3. I love this! Great idea Tandra! Such a good wrap up post for year 1 of BK44L!
