Thursday, February 4, 2010

BK4 BEBEHS!!!!!!!!!

So last night I came across this site called and basically Viv and I and a few other BK4ers spent most of the night making babies!
Here's a collection of the best and the worst:

Anish Bebehs - Anish's inability to make pretty babies was the most confusing part of this whole process so here's a collection of the most unsightly babies made last night!

Anish and Alex

Anish and Lily

Anish and Steve

Anish and Tara

Anish and Tom

Anish and Vlada

Anish and Malia

Malia Bebehs - The most exotic babies!

Malia and Alexi

Malia and Christina

Malia and Laila

Malia and Viv

Malia and Vlada

Malia and Will

Malia and Tara

Vlada Bebehs - Vlada's stunning baby making abilities have resulted in Viv staring hopelessly at their baby and wishing she could impregnate her!

Vlada and Lily

Vlada and Viv

Most Beautiful Bebehs - Please vote for the winner!

Malia and Laila

Malia and Tara

Vlada and Viv

Malia and Alexi

Most unpleasant looking bebehs - Please vote for the winner(in this case the loser)!

Will and JT

Michael and Laila

Anish and Lily

Anish and Tom

Most ethnic baby

Malia and Viv

Most Aryan baby

Vlada and Lily

Most likely to happen

Will and Drew

Longest baby making process - 45 minutes

Tom and Drew

Shortest baby making process - 3 seconds

Tandra and Michael

Fattest baby

Christina and Steve

Strangest baby

Tara and Viv - Blue eyes!?!?!?

Laila and Will - Dark?!?!?!?

Laila and Tandra - Curly hair?!?!?