"final answer" crap on me when you want to respond, though.
Before I go any further: WHO DAT! NOBODY!
...ahem. We now return you to regular programming.
I'm sure you've heard by now of my two ventures into the game show world. One, you saw just two (or three) weeks ago, but in case you haven't...
I mean, yeah, I kinda feel like the biggest bastard for winning the way I did. But if that
means winning $34,021 in stuff, then I'm not complaining.
But what many of you have probably not seen (or if you did, you didn't know me
at the time) was my epic flame-out on Jeopardy! six years ago. There will be plenty
of time to discuss that sooner or later, I'm sure. Just suffice it to say, if we ever watch my show,
I may have to step out of the room for a little while.
In the meantime, Will and Drew will be on Mind Games sometime in the future. How
fast we can get the episode out of the editing room depends on how lost we get in the
editing software. And as I've found out, that could mean up to three hours for just two
minutes worth of footage. So this means...maybe I'll have to lock myself in the Zemeckis
Center editing room for the rest of my life so I can just get this one show on the air.
That sucks. If I ever do another one of those shows again, hopefully I won't screw up the
rules this time and not get the tiebreaker confused with the rule stating whomever's ahead
at the last question wins it.
And I've discovered I've been playing game show apps on my iPod touch way too
much. Wheel, Millionaire, and Price are my games of choice right now. I'm just surprised
I haven't broken out into a screaming fit when I have a ton of money on the board and then
hit the Black Wedge of Doom. Although I have come across some very strange puzzles.
Honestly, who the fuck is expected to spell "WALES' LLEDDWYN ISLAND" for a puzzle?
Who hired these writers, and what the hell were they smoking?
And might I add...the Million is fucking impossible to win. I don't care whether it's Wheel or
Millionaire I'm playing, it's still fucking impossible. I've probably played over 300 games between
the two, and I've only pulled off a Millionaire win maybe once.
Have your pets spayed or neutered, in the meantime. And let's hope that the Bruin goes down
in the College Jeopardy tournament--if not tomorrow, then on Friday.
Evidently I don't know how to embed YouTube videos without fucking up the formatting. Now I know...just the link.