Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Lost Season 6 Arrives

Lost Season 6 arrives with a mishmosh of half-gurps and semi-peaks. By initial response it was not the international sensation it was supposed to be, but I can't be the judge of that just yet. By judgment of BK4 Steve and I have witheld our season 6 viewing off till we have seen all episodes leading up to it. It took a fierce debate between Christina demanding we go ahead and watch the season debut and Will demanding we not come and ruin his quiet viewing. Ultimately, the logic to not watch was stronger when Viv pipped in saying, "Buttt, come one. Yeah. I mean it wouldn't be as good. Ya know?" We were instantly convinced.

In other news, the the prophet floorby has spoken benevolently and bestowed the new beach cruiser of BK upon me. I am unworthy.



1 comment:

  1. so....i was only saying you should if you really want to. it all depended on how you felt.
