Wednesday, March 17, 2010

2- Alex, Steve

Here's the second Reno Road Trip Vlog entry (also written a few days ago)

We visited Reno High, where Alex was big man on campus (I got some great pictures from his yearbook on my phone, but no way to get them to a computer... come see me :D), and I met a couple of his teachers. That was pretty cool, and we had lunch with his old debate partner, Makayla at this delicious pizza place called the blind onion.
At night we went over to his mom's house for dinner and I had artichoke for the first time. That was pretty neat. Well technically it wasn't the first time ever having that vegetable, it was just the first time I saw it in all its giant, leafy glory and ate it the real way.

You know what, before I continue, I have to bring up something I learned about music through Alex. Tracy Chapman is a WOMAN! You know, the "lady" who sings "Fast Car?" A woman.
She ain't got no testicles, but listening to her song, it sure sounded like it. And have you SEEN the album cover?
That there is a MAN. Well at least until you know it's a woman.

So anyway, today we went skiing at lake Tahoe, which was amazing. Such great weather and such a great view (but there's no way for me to show it to you since I can't get
pictures from my phone to the computer). Here, look at this picture from the resort's website:

And the weather. Holy snap the weather. It was frickin' beautiful. I went in jeans, two thermals, and my USC hoodie, and ended up taking the hoodie off halfway through the day because it was so warm. (I also took off the two thermals for a run - nothing like the crisp, cool mountain air on your power orb to brighten a day). It was sunny and clear and not even windy most of the day,
unlike the hellscape that was Summit earlier this semester.
That is the ACTUAL VIEW of lake Tahoe from the top of the mountain!

We stayed for like 4.5 hours, did more runs than I kept track of (did I mention we basically had the whole mountain to ourselves?) and then took epic naps. Actually, Alex took an epic nap (which he is still in the process of as I write this blog, 3.5 hours and counting) and I took a regular old two hour power nap.

Later tonight we're getting all-you-can-eat sushi so I can verify my hypochondriacal shellfish allergy,
then tomorrow Alex is getting a haircut, we're visiting Reem for coffee,
getting lunch with some of Alex's friends, and hitting up Alice In Wonderland, which I've been assured by Viv is not worth seeing.

Like I said haven't had internet since we left campus (I would kill for collegehumor right now), so I'm just writing these in notepad and copy/pasting them later, so I don't know what's already been posted in the Vlog. I know Viv is probably gonna give me sass for thinking both girls in malia's video are malia (didn't look that closely, thought it was her when she was younger and had her hair dyed), and I hope philippe wrote the vlog entry he promised ("Today I hung out with my parents"). Alex told me Jon and Will organized a march madness bracket, that's pretty cool. I would enter, but I'd basically be picking teams based on their mascot and proximity to Wisconsin, and I'd probably do even worse than in the oscar pool (last place?!?), so good luck to everyone else and maybe it's a blessing in disguise that I can't check my own e-mail to enter.


  1. cool fresh wind on the power orb! *drool*

    anyways, too bad you don't have internet, cause i totally just asked you for help on the chem lab. SIGH

  2. One of my best friends refused to eat artichoke for years because he thought that it had a heart. A real heart.
