Friday, March 26, 2010

a few things you probably didn't know

an update on why i love ke$ha:

from feb. 2010 issue of rolling stone:

"the 22 year old is already the breakout pop star of 2010- her hypercatchy electro-pop sound and hedonistic vibe helped animal knock susan boyle from the number one spot in january. "i'm just psyched i don't have to wait tables anymore, because i hate that with a fiery passion," she says, adding that the "$" in her name is ironic, because she's never been interested in the money. "i was just hoping to become a pop star before the world ends in 2012."

-her mom's name is Pebe, and doesn't know who Ke$ha's real father is.
-her real name is Kesha Sebert
-her mother raised her on food stamps and welfare checks- and according to ke$ha is "the original badass...we're like best friends: i can call her up and say, 'oh my god, i gave this guy a blow job last night' and she'll say 'ke$ha, you slut!'"
-all her songs are based on real life happenings
-she goes to the jungle once a year "to get away from human beings" and get in-touch with her inner animal. "who cares? crazy people are what keeps life interesting."

i'm obsessed.

anyways, i don't really have a good blog topic so i'm going to steal will's and add on to it.

most likely to appear on saturday night live: Anish and Melody
most likely to become president: JJ and Tiffany
most likely to become a soccermom/little league dad: JT and Christina
most likely to commit tax fraud: Quin and Vlada
most likely to solve world hunger: Laila and Steve
best hair: Tandra and Brennan

ALSO the john mayer concert was amazing. i'm obsessed with him too.

and just in case you were wondering (malia): he masturbates everyday- he admits in rolling stone. he is looking for a life partner with a "vagina he can pitch a tent on and camp-out for a weekend in" and someone who "can keep up intellectually with [him] toe to toe."

i also may add that last night i slept on drew, will, and hollenbeck's couch with a beanbag as a pillow and it was close to the best sleep i've ever gotten in my life. even if i did have to wake up and open the door for the sleepwalking taryn at some point in the night.

i love bk4

happy humpday... a couple days late :/


  1. Hahahah Alex I love youuuu sooooooooooooooooooo much and [pseudo?] trashy Ke$ha kinda much... (although that doesn't make sense). I LOVE JOHN MAYER SO MUCH. AH. Tell me all about the concert! I didn't know you were gooiiing.

  2. ahh i love your blogsss. even when you have nothing to blog about... totally going to be a soccer mom. cant even deny it.
