I'm done with midterms, and all I have left to do is a research experiment for PSYC 100 and I get to go home. I ku mau mau, I ku wa! (Don't know what that means, but we chanted it in elementary school back in da islandz to get all pumped up). So now that responsibility is out of the way I can do what I do best -- watch me some reality TV.
A lot of BK4ians don't understand / choose not to understand the draw of reality TV. While Jersey Shore and 16 and Pregnant may not be the mindfuck that is Lost, I like to think of the hours I spend watching them as a form of anthropological study. Jersey Shore pretty much teaches you a different culture (fist pumping, the ideology of Gym-Tan-Laundry, and the pros and cons of the guido lifestyle) while 16 and Pregnant shines a light on just how FUCKED UP American Sex-Ed has become. There are places in America where girls just "don't even, like, think about using condoms... cause... I dunno?" Even The Hills, which is about as scripted as a reality show can get, can be seen as a study of humankind (although, does someone as plastic-surgeried out as Heidi count as human anymore?) Of course, reality shows aren't real life, but what other places can I find this shit readily accessible? Maybe in Oklahoma, but that's beside the point. Reality TV allows you to be a voyeur, and isn't that what 21st century entertainment is all about? Chatroulette/facebook/formspring, anyone?
So in other words, MTV rules and stop making fun of me for watching Taking The Stage. I'm being a scientist, okay?
- Meowlia
PS: JT - youngest exit poller in the US? AWESOME -
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