Friday, March 5, 2010

Camera Shy

You know what really grinds my gears?

We're having trouble finding contestants for Mind Games. Big time.

Sponsors, surprisingly, are easier to get than contestants are. But why are they the sticking point?

Lame prizes? Hardly--we've got Starbucks gift cards, Ubisoft video games, car washes, and other cool stuff up for grabs in our next few shows.

Lack of publicity? Could be. Most of the flyers I posted around campus have mysteriously disappeared, some even two days after I posted them. And a lot of people clearly have no idea what the hell this show is.

The big thing I've noticed?

"I don't want to be on camera."

I mean, seriously, what's the matter with that? It's just a game show! See? The worst that can happen to you is that you lose, but at least there you have a talking point amongst your friends for a long time to come.

Of course, you could have your YouTube moment of notoriety...

But it's Trojan Vision.



Trojan Vision.

Really. What do you have to worry about?

1 comment:

  1. As a proud former contestant, I highly recommend going on this show to everyone. It was super fun, and you get prizes no matter what. Also, JJ, if you're THAT strapped for contestants, I'd be very excited to try again for those video games :D
