Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Unthinkable Has Happened...

... and nobody noticed Anyway, I officially apologize from the bottom of my heart for failing to post my blog yesterday. I just somehow completely forgot it. I know that left a gaping hole in all your hearts that can never be filled, but I'm going to do my best to make it better today. It's almost spring break! Alex and I are road tripping here:
and here I hear mario kart coming from 423. I love BK4. One star that shit guys, keep fighting the good fight

Anyway, I'm also going here
But after all of it, I won't be able to wait to come back here: And I guess I'd like to stop here at some point on the way:Man, uploading images is a huge hassle.

If you guys could go anywhere at all for spring break, where would you go?

Why do teachers think that break is just a fun word for "shit-tons of work?" seriously, two papers, a formal lab, and a physics midterm the week we get back?

I love reading the onion, I e-mailed this article to my AP stats teacher today I also used to send him lots of graphs from when graphjam was still cool. For those of you who thought my graph last week was pretty bad, you should see that site. Wowza.

If you get a chance, sneak up on viv while she's listening to music in her headphones. She does the most adorable little dance.

Frack, this blog is clearly rushed, but whatever, it's readable, since every other post I make gets a
tl;dr from all y'all. I can't believe I forgot. Thanks for posting yesterday and saving my ass, Hagle. I owe you one. Go ahead and take Friday off. Anish has you covered. (Alex switched with anish, who switched with me, when I unofficially switched with will). Still sorry those kids snuck back in your room though. I'm so done with explore. The explora's, as Regina so kindly called them.

The following images came up when I googled Dora the Explorer + Sexy:
And perhaps most disturbingly of all: Speaking of googling things, everyone should google everyone else on BK4 in some good ol' fashioned creeping. We've all been abusing regina lately about loving miley "SO famous!" but what about everyone else? Also, it's fun to see who can fill the first page of results with things about them and not other people with their names.

this comes up when you search for me. He's pretty cool. Maybe I can work for him.

Bk44LIFE! - Floorby Defender

1 comment:

  1. aww how sad no one commented on your blog so I will. So ya all I have to say is that dora the explorer vibrator is extremely creepy, and I bet your alter ego hippy steve wolfsohn owns one(whos way cooler than you by the way)
